Elizabeth Pomeroy

CURRENTLY WORKING ON:  Elizabeth’s company, Many Moons Press, will soon bring out a new edition of Charles Francis Saunders’ The Southern Sierras of California.  John Robinson has written a new introduction for it and photographs are being sought!

NEEDS INFORMATION ON/FOR:  She would like to hear from collectors of Saunders’ work or anyone interested in the new edition mentioned above.

RECENT PRESENTATIONS: Elizabeth has spoken extensively on the history of San Marino to the City of San Marino for their 100th anniversary (2013), and has spoken/will speak to the Huntington Library, Zamorano Club, Pasadena Museum of History, and other groups.

RECENT PUBLICATIONS:  San Marino – A Centennial History (San Marino Historical Society) – Note:  Nick Curry helped extensively with the research for this book.