Roundup: April 8, 2015

Almansor Court – 700 S. Almansor, Alhambra, CA.
Social Hour: 5:00 PM
Dinner: 6:00 PM

Speaker: Jack Prichett
Subject: The Old Spanish Trail in California: 19th Century Remnants and 21st Century Challenges

Historians Leroy and Ann Hafen called the Old Spanish Trail “the longest, crookedest, most arduous pack mule route in the history of America.” Designated by Congress as a National Historic Trail in 2002, the Trail played a key role in Southern California’s early history, providing a pathway for Mexican Period commerce and immigration, as well as early American exploration of the Southwest. Col. John C. Fremont and Kit Carson were among early Americans to use the Trail before the 1848 discovery of gold was to change California’s history. Speaker Jack Prichett’s richly illustrated talk will describe the Old Spanish Trail Association’s work in the Mojave to locate and record still existing portions of the original mule trace, as well as outlining current development threats to the Trail route efforts to protect this remnant of California’s heritage.

Mr. Prichett has been active in the Old Spanish Trail Association since 2008 and has served as president of the Association’s Tecopa chapter since 2009. Mark your calendars today to see and hear this fascinating presentation of this important historical Western story. We look forward to seeing you in April!

John Selmer
Deputy Sheriff


Sittin’ Around the Campfire

Corral News

Dinner Reservations

Dinners cost $35 each and the reservation deadline is , April 1, 2015.  Late reservations can be accepted, but you will not be able to choose your entrée and you will pay $40.  Please mail your reservation and your check—payable to “Westerners, Los Angeles Corral”—to Jim Macklin, Keeper of the Chips, 1221 Greenfield Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006-4148  626-446-6411. You may also call Jim Shuttleworth, Registrar of Marks and Brands at 909-595-6655 with questions or late reservations.

PAYPAL is now available

Put your money where your mouse is. Instead of mailing in your check, now you can make your dinner reservations online. Just log onto our website and go to the members tab (the password is oldjoe) and click on the pay option. Instructions are there. Use the website Contact Us button if there are any questions or issues.

Upcoming Roundup Speakers & Programs

May 13, 2015………….Bill Warren -W.W. Robinson

June 20, 2015 ………….FANDANGO! – Turner Hacienda, featuring the music of Los Californios

Joint Meeting with the Old Spanish Trail Association

Our April 8th meeting will include members of the Old Spanish Trail Association. The Old Spanish Trail was a mule trail used from 1829 to 1848 between Santa Fe and Los Angeles. OSTA members have promised to tie up their more flatulent mules outside the dining room. We have made no such promises in return.

Book Reviews

Three books have been received for review for the Branding Iron. They are:

Dance Floor Democracy: The Social Geography of Memory at the Hollywood Canteen, by Sherrie Tucker (Duke University Press)

Stagecoach Robberies in California: A Complete Record, 1856-1913, by R. Michael Wilson (McFarland)

Out Where the West Begins: Profiles, Visions & Strategies of Early Western Business Leaders,by Philip F. Anschutz (University of Oklahoma Press)

Anyone wishing to review one of these books for the Branding Iron should email Abe Hoffman at First come, first served. Abe will bring the books to the April meeting.